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THERMANS 2024 Abstract book
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THERMANS-2024 Program Schedule
- Click here to visit THERMANS-2024 portal.
About ITAS
The Indian Thermal analysis Society (ITAS), founded in 1977 under the leadership of late Dr. M.D. Karkhanavala, is actively engaged in promoting science and technology of thermal analysis in India. ITAS is a registered public trust with its headquarters in Mumbai and is affiliated to the International Confederation for Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry (ICTAC).
The Society organizes biennial symposia and workshops on thermal analysis, publishes “ITAS Bulletin” including “Thermal Analysis titles” listing the titles of papers on thermal analysis along with relevant citations and supports publication of books and monographs on topics of interest to thermal analysts. Besides, the Society also encourages research and development activities in the field of thermal analysis by instituting awards at various levels, which are usually conferred at the time of the biennial symposia.